Montag, 31. August 2009


Magersucht und ihre folgen. Super Berichte, für alle die mit Magersüchtigen Menschen in ihrem Umfeld konfrontiert sind und an einem verständniss über die Tragweite dieser Krankheit interessiert sind.
Lasst uns auch an dieser Stelle Menschen sein die ihren Gott kennen, fest bleiben in seiner Wahrheit und nach dieser Wahrheit handeln(nach Dan.11,32). Nicht mehr länger in der Lüge gehen sondern Menschen freisetzen. Oft kennen wir die Verheisungen und Prophetien über einzelne Menschen, lasst uns immerwieder diese Wahrheiten über dem Menschen ausrufen ... In Johannes 8,32 lesen wir, dass die erkannte Wahrheit Menschen freisetzen wird ... DAS IST DIE WAHRHEIT!!!!
Zudem lasst uns den angehörigen der Betroffenen zur Seite stehen, damit auch diese gestärkt und immer wieder ermutigt durch diese schwere Zeit gehen ...

The five Tasks of Leadership

Leiterschaft, um was geht es hier wirklich? in dem Buch "Just Enough Anxiety" von Robert Rosen gibt er fünf Tasks die aus meiner Sicht die Aufgaben eines Leiters wirklich super auf den Punkt bringen.

Leadership: Successful leaders willingly travel into the unknown.
Strategy: Successful leaders set an evolving course through ambiguity, complexity, and change.
Engagement: Successful leaders inspire and challenge people to perform beyond their own expectations.
Growth: Successful leaders learn and relearn in real time by stretching themselves and the business.
Innovation: Successful leaders imagine possibilities, discover opportunities, and release creative energies inside their organization.

Was meint ihr?

Charismen des Geistes

Gestern begann unsere diesjährige Themen Reihe "Charismen des Geistes". Drei Monate geht es bei uns um die Gaben und befähigungen des Geistes. Gestartet sind wir gestern mit einem genialen Anbetungsabend in dem Christian uns einen Input gegeben hat ...

Die kommenenden beiden Sonntags-Gottesdienste gibt es jeweils eine Session zu den Charismen und was diese für uns bedeuten bzw. wie sich die kommenden Monate gestalten werden. Danach geht es dann zwei Wochenenden um die vertiefung und Grundlegung der Lehre zu den Chrismen ... Ich bin sicher das wir alle auch hier Gelegenheit bekommen, praktisch zu werden ...

All das damit wir "sehen => verstehen => und umsetzen" was uns Gott zur verfügung gestellt hat um in allererster Linie den Menschen zu Dienene und damitt Gott verherrlichen ...

Spannende Zeiten ... Seit alle herzlich eingeladen vorbeizukommen ... Bei Fragen, könnt ihr euch gerne an mich wenden ...

Donnerstag, 27. August 2009

Auf was es wirklich ankommt ...

Die Lösung liegt darin, nicht mehr länger die Dinge zu tun von denen wir bereits wissen daß sie nicht funktionieren.

Dan Pink, gibt in diesem Vortag ein Ausblick darauf wie Firmen mit einem neuartigen Betriebsmodel das auf Selbstständigkeit, Herrschaft und Bestimmung aufbaut die Welt verändern können. Dan bezieht das natürlich nur auf die Geschäftswelt und die darin relevanten Themen wie Management, Motivation und Personalführung, aber …

Sind das nicht genau die Dinge die Jesus initiiert und vorgelebt hat. Lasst uns unsere Familien und Gemeinde dahingehend betrachten und nicht mehr länger die Dinge tun von denen wir schon von Gottes Wort her wissen das sie irrelevant im Sinne des Reiches Gottes sind.

Was ist mit Themen wie:
• Gemeindemitgliedschaft
• Sonntägliche one-man-Show
• Gemeindeversammlungen
• Meetings (Leiter, Ältesten, Gebet, Gemeinde u.s.w.) in denen immer nur die selben zu Wort kommen.
• Überdurchschnittliche Kosten für riesen Gemeinde Gebäude und Personal
• u.v.m.

Samstag, 22. August 2009

Traumatisiert und gebrochen: Das Grönland „Experiment”

Der Mensch ist wirklich zu krassen Sachen fähig ...

Der Deutschlandfunk berichtete am 14.08.09 in seinem Beitrag: Traumatisiert und gebrochen: Die dänischen „Experiment”- Kinder von der Entwurzelung von 22 grönländischen Kindern. Mit dem Ziel der Schaffung einer grönländischen Elite wurden sie in den 1950er Jahren vom kolonialen Dänemark ihren Familien entfremdet, zur Erziehung in Heime oder in Adoption gegeben.

Wir sind uns einmal mehr als vollzeit Pflegefamilie unserer Verantwortung bewusst ...

Hier der Bericht unteranderem auch zum nachhören ...

Donnerstag, 20. August 2009

Upside-down management

Upside-down management: "

Had this email sent through to me recently by Wole… it was on a program he listened to on the radio. Here are his comments complete with relevant links:

I just happened to be listening to the InBusiness programme on BBC Radio 4, and what I heard has really got me excited. It’s about the Timpson shoe repair business and the management style that they’ve pioneered – which they’ve so aptly named “Upside-Down Management”.

Upside down management

Its so so prophetic (like the “upside-down church” sculpture – aka “device to root out evil”). The chief executive (John Timpson) and his son James Timpson (the Managing Director) are just like modern day apostles – but in the business arena. A father and son team  – (3 generations?- maybe not quite? – but, hey I like the sound of it).

I particularly loved the way they dealt with the issue of employees stealing from the

  • its so so prophetic.

  • everything is decentralised, and opened up for all to see.

  • very people focused – and its not just an empty sound-bite.

  • empowering the grassroots and those on the front-line – they are encouraged to use their own initiative, they are able to try out new ideas and even to make mistakes.

  • the Managers/Area Managers are only there to serve & support the shop staff – (ie. they are not there to boss them about)

Could this be a model for church?.



PS:   Below are some links to listen to this programme. – and also a short synopsis of the programme by its presenter Peter Day

To Listen online:

How do you manage a traditional family shoe repair firm with 550 outlets all over the country? John Timpson does it by dropping in on them all the time to find out what’s going on, day by day. He calls it “upside down management”. Peter Day went along for the ride. Producer: Sandra Kanthal Editor: Stephen Chilcott

The MP3 file can also be downloaded:

Short synopsis about this programme by Peter Day

For real insights into how a business thinks and works, go round a supermarket with the boss. Not the manager of the store, but the chief executive of the whole operation. With the best CEOs, it’s like tramping a farm with the farmer who’s looked after the land for years: a stream of illuminating thoughts about things a random visitor would hardly notice: how the cheeses are displayed, how the special offer of the week is doing, how much expensive stock is tied up on shelves that are designed for bulky cereal packets but also have to hold expensive slimline toiletries.

They say that retail is detail; it’s impressive when a chief executive gets out of HQ and starts finding out for him or herself. (And quite a lot of top supermarket managements do it all the time.)

I spent a day recently on the road with John Timpson. Not a supermarket boss (and not the late “Today” presenter either). He’s the head of the family firm Timpson’s, more than 600 small shops scattered across Britain that do shoe and watch repairs, key cutting, engraving, and various other things: local service centres.

He is chairman of Timpson’s; his son James is managing director. Both of them travel, relentlessly. Most of the trips are to drop in on stores all over the country, to see first hand what’s happening and to scout for new property possibilities. John Timpson is known for his straightforward method of running a business. I wanted to see him in action because he’s set his management principles down in two very readable books.

“Dear James” is a kind of handover note to his son, written when he stepped up to became chairman 10 years ago.The new book is “How to Ride a Giraffe”, so called because that animal is what the firm feels like to some of the people who work for it: a strange thing, but it works.

As I expected (and as you will hear in the programme) the day out was indeed illuminating. John Timpson simply does not tire of finding out what’s happening to individual store businesses, and the people who work there.

Within seconds of arrival (and greeting the staff by name) he’s scanning the latest daily store accounts, compared with the same time last year. It’s a fixation, and not just to the boss.

Timpson’s branch staff are all in line for a bonus. It’s paid not yearly or quarterly, but weekly. Their pay reflects immediately how well the branch has done.

That is a very important element of the way Timpson is run. John calls it Upside Down Management, and it has a lot to teach other kinds of businesses.

In essence, UDM tries to turn the traditional structure of a firm on its head. The organisation chart shows the bosses at the bottom and the workers on top (they are, of course, called “colleagues”).

This is not just company bull, or that familiar corporate mantra “People are our most important asset”. It has taken years for the Timpsons to build a business which genuinely respects and seeks out idea from the people who work in the branches.

Watch repairs was one such idea, pooh–poohed for a long time because who would believe that cobblers could also fix watches? When Timpson take over another chain, the first things to go are the electronic point of sale machines. That sounds a bit retroactive. But epos tills mean that head office runs the branches. Upside Down Management means that the people in the branches have the power to vary prices for their own particular circumstances, offer deals.

Here’s a business genuinely trying to show its staff that business decisions are grounded in the branches, moderated or incentivised by the weekly bonus plan. Some people think that this is far too paternalistic, and Timpson makes no bones about being a family business, not a plc.

The last time we made a programme about this unconventional management, I visited the internationally famous Eden Project in Cornwall to hear about what the founder Tim Smit calls “monkey business”.

This inspirational leader had a sudden crisis one weekend when a vital backer demanded a management statement from him, the kind of thing all well run businesses are supposed to have. Tim Smit sat down and wrote Monkey Business, a series of unorthodox and very personal leadership ideas, and when he talked about them on air, there was a shudder of interest from listeners. These mavericks have a lot to teach conventional organisations, if conventional organisations know how to listen.

Peter Day


Dienstag, 18. August 2009

Echte Jüngerschaft ( Paul Washer )

Der Typ ist wirklich krass ... krasse gedanken und ohne kompromisse ...

Link: Echte Jüngerschaft ( Paul Washer )

Gittaren Talent

der kleine Mann hat es richtig drauf ... übrigens auch mit der E-Gitarre. Auf YouTube gibt es noch merh von dem zeug ...

Sonntag, 16. August 2009


Super Artikel aus Tim Chester's Blog zum Thema Masturbation, für alle die dieses Thema immerwieder mit Jugendlichen bearbeiten ... Was meint ihr?

Masturbation: "

Well, I’ve sent off to my editor at IVP an early draft of my manuscript on pomography – 70,000 words (too many). It’s a been a bit of push trying to finish it off before we go away on holiday.

Here’s a section on masturbation. I’ve posted it as a pdf to avoid the problems I get with my blog provider screening inappropriate words. I’d be very interested to hear what you think.

I’m away now for two weeks. I’ve scheduled some posts for the coming days, but I’ll not be monitoring comments for the next two weeks. So enjoy discussing mastu rbation while I’m away! I look forward to reading what you all think when I get back.


Freitag, 14. August 2009

Francis DuBose, the Mystic on Main Street

Francis DuBose, the Mystic on Main Street: "

The urban missiologist Francis DuBose passed away on June 20th this year, during my blog fast, so I didn't mention it. I remember him as a poet, an activist, a lover of the poor, the guy who added his Jesus revolution books from the 1970s to my library, and the teacher that brought the word 'missional' into common usage. I worked with him in the 1990's in San Francisco at the Page Street Center. Last year I visited him in his 'hotel' [a nursing home in SF] to interview him on video. More info and the video are here.

The word 'missional' was first used, as far as we know, in 1883 but was glossed over until Dr DuBose revived it exactly a century later with his book God Who Sends(1983). When I told him that his use of the word 'missional' started something that was now a global acceptance of the word, I could see that he and his wife were absolutely ecstatic and totally surprised. It was a real gift for me to be there in that moment.

'Missional' as a term that taps into the Missio Dei has done great service to the church. It has helped keep the 'emerging church' on track during the early part of this decade and has given some of us a vocabulary that has been widely accepted and used. But there has also been abuse of the word and now there is talk that it has run its course. Some have suggested the word is now dead and meaningless and we should move on. There is some truth to that, as I have blogged about before, and now that Francis DuBose has gone, I am happy to let the word pass on also.

But even if the word passes on, Francis DuBose will be remembered for his lasting contributions to urban ministry, and his way of expressing it. Here is one of his poems, selected by GGBTS in their remembrance of their famous Professor. I hope the DuBose family will forgive me for adding some of my photos to compliment the text . . .

I CHOOSE THE CITY, by Francis DuBose


I choose the city...

Not simply to live in it,

to see it,

to hear it;

But to touch it;

yes, to embrace it,

to hold it,


To feel the wild glory of its

pulsating soul,

To move over its wide,

hurried broadways,


To stand stilled and sobered

at the nowhere of its dead-end streets,


To be trapped with it in its

pain and problems,

To be at once chilled by its ill

and covered with its confetti.


I choose the city because I choose God,

Because I choose humanity,

Because I choose the divine-human



The struggle which will be won

Not in the serene path through

meadow and wood,

among the bees and birds, and flowers,

But in the city street

Made by the hand of man

Through the gift of God--


Main Street: the final battle field,

The scene of the ultimate struggle,

Where man chooses right

Because he is free to choose wrong.


Babylon, dirty and daring--

Babylon, yes--

Babylon today--


The New Jerusalem!

Francis DuBose, Mystic on Main Street, Chapel Hill, NC: Professional Press, 1993, pp. 78, 79.


auch mal ein kritischen Blick aufs Bloggen

sehr interesant und im wesentlichen genau das was mich eine ganze zeit vom bloggen abgehalten hat ... man muss sich eben wie bei allem immer fragen "Wie weit kann, soll ich gehen?"

NT Wright on Blogging/Social Media from Bill Kinnon on Vimeo.

Michael Korda

Stark, oder!? Lasst uns immer mehr wegschauen von dem was wir meinen aus unserer Kraft vollbringen zu können und immer mehr von dem träumen was wir duch Jesus tun werden ...

Michael Korda: "'The more you can dream, the more you can do.'"

Mittwoch, 12. August 2009

Thinking vs Technology -

abgesehen von der Werbung für iMindMap wird hier die Fragestellung: "An welcher Stelle unseren Computer und Software Produkte die Denk-Potenzialle" behindern gut dargestellt.

Samstag, 8. August 2009

Feuerspaß mit Kochgenuss

Heute haben wir unsere "Minipfannen" fertig zum gebrauch gemacht ... echt coole dinger ... Am besten sind unsere Stöcke, die haben wir dann noch selbst angemalt oder noch geschnitzt. Morgen kommen dann Freunde von uns zum Grillen und anschliesenden Pfannkuchen essen von den Pfannen ... das wird klasse ...

Donnerstag, 6. August 2009

Wie die echten Ritter

Mein Freund Dave und ich im Ritter Training ...

Mittwoch, 5. August 2009

Die erste Pilz Tour für dieses Jahr

Bereits vor zwei Wochen bin ich bereits das erste mal mit den Kids unterwegs gewesen um die ersten Pilze im angrenzenden Wald zu suchen und natürlich auch zu finden. Naja, die ausbeute war nicht sooooo groß, aber vorallem die Pfifferlinge waren richtig lecker ... :-)

Aktuelle Photo's und Video's zu unseren Babies

Anbei zwei aktuelle Video's von unseren toollen Welpen ... echt Süß und sooooo lustig ...

Aktuelle Photos hat Danie gerade auf unserem Family Blog ... have fun