Dienstag, 17. November 2009

From E-Learning to Social Learning

das ist dann doch wohl das next level ...!? Wenn 80% des gelernten in Organisationen (auch Gemeinden?) nun informel passiert und nur 20% formel. Was bedeutet das für unsere Kirchen und Gemeinden und unsere "Jüngerschafts-Programme"?

Freitag, 6. November 2009

Starfish Manifesto

Hallo zusammen, es ist soweit, zieht euch das "Starfish Manifesto" rein!

The Starfish Manifesto Released: "

BIG ANNOUNCEMENT from Wolfgang Simson in today's email. We have been waiting a long time for this book. I suggest, despite Wolfgang's generous offer of posting it everywhere, that we all just point to the PDF at the starfish portal.

starfish manifesto image wolfgang simson'Dear friends, after a long time in the making I am happy to finally present the release of 'The Starfish Manifesto', my latest book. We released it in Antioch this October.Picture 21.png Picture 21.png Picture 21.png

You can download for free it as a pdf file at www.starfishportal.net

Probably the largest reformation of all times in Church history is in full swing. It is the combination of a threefold current initiative of God: moving from church to Kingdom as our legal base; moving from pastoral, teacher-based & evangelistic to apostolic and prophetic foundations; and departing from a market-shaped behaviour to a kingdom-shaped economy.

You are free to pass this book (and the key-file) on to as many people as you like, including posting it on websites

Blessings, Wolfgang Simson'
